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Xuanyi Zhao

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My narrative works are generally painted depictions based on relatable real-life events to my personal/many others experiences either in realism or abstraction. Besides realism and abstraction, I recently started to experiment and have fun with my colors and make less realistic, illustrative, decorative works either as abstraction or semi-realism. 

Art Statement


My name is Xuanyi Zhao, a Sophomore majoring in painting at SAIC. My favorite mediums include oil and acrylic paints, which I have been practicing with for 6 years. Besides painting, I also enjoy experimenting with illustration and photography on the side. My art pieces are usually depictions from my humorous perception of relatable real-life events either in the form of realism or abstraction. To explore further my style and creativity, I wanted to also incorporate other different artists and achieve the best version of my art.

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